Technology · August 28, 2018

5 Advantages of Enterprise WordPress Hosting

WordPress, used by over 30% of the internet, is not a preserve of small businesses and blogs. It can be used to manage large-scale business enterprises as it delivers robust, secure, and flexible solutions for all sorts of industries. However, this is only achievable by using the best managed WordPress hosting. You need an enterprise WordPress hosting solution that delivers outstanding support and security, reliable data retention, scalability, and other critical features. Below are some of the advantages of using enterprise WordPress hosting plans such as those offers by Carbon 60.

1.      Scalability


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Scalability refers to the manner in which the business adapts to changes in web traffic. A sudden spike in traffic can easily crash your website due to resource constraints. A good enterprise hosting plan should have in place measures to cope better with spikes in traffic by increasing resource allocation as the need arises. This allows your enterprise to cope with increasing strain on a global scale. You should also be able to distribute data evenly across different locations in order to avoid costly overloads.

2.      Word Class Security


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One of the critical factors of any organization with an online presence is security. Global enterprises are a huge attraction for malicious attackers. While WordPress does provide security against malware and brute force attacks, you will need more advanced measures for an enterprise deployment. Your host should be able to provide mission-critical security that extends to WordPress applications, hardware, and the hosting network. This will help protect against spyware, viruses, adware, keyloggers, malware and trojan horses.

3.      Data Recovery and Retention

data recovery

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The ability to restore data is a key consideration for any enterprise looking to deploy an online presence. This is particularly important given the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) rules that mete out stiff penalties for failure to comply. Enterprise WordPress hosting provided regular data backups making it easier to recall and recover your data via an advanced cloud setup. The right provider should also have a redundancy plan that duplicates the critical components of the system so that backups can be called should a failure occur.

4.      Fast Global Load Times

fast load times

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Having a slow loading site can spell disaster for your business. You will have higher bounce rates since your customers won’t be patient enough to wait for your site to load. You need a website that is fast to reduce load times and keep customers coming back. While certain speed optimization and caching plugins can help boost site speeds, you need a more reliable solution. Enterprise hosting helps maintain consistently fast speeds by implementing advanced caching systems that drastically speed up database queries.  They have servers spread across the globe that allow site visitors to be served by the Point of Presence closest to them.

5.      Great Customer Support

great customer support

Credit: Pixabay

The best managed WordPress hosting for enterprises provides excellent customer support. This is because larger organizations have more complex and more frequent requests compared to smaller businesses. Enterprise hosting plans come with priority response for tickets lodged by customers. The hosting provider also avails a team of experts to deal with any technical issues that may need urgent resolution.