Home Improvement · May 22, 2018

6 Ways to Prevent Water Damage in Your Home

Water damage is a big concern for many homeowners.  While you can always call on a water damage restoration company to remedy the problem, it can cost a fortune if there’s extensive damage. The best approach is to take preventative measures. Below are some of the ways you can prevent water damage in your home.

  1. Leak Sensors

Credit: techhiveIf you’re really worried about water damage in your home, then you have to install leak sensors. This is the first line of defense against water damage.  These sensors will alert you whenever a water leak is detected. You should set the sensors in places that are vulnerable to leakage such as sinks, water heaters, washers, and the basement floor.

  1. Keep an Eye on Your Water Bill

Credit: http://toronto.citynews.ca

Monitor your water bill. Any spikes could be an indication of a leak. It is possible for pipes that are not visible to start leaking. A spike in your bill should alert you to a possible problem in your plumbing. You might need to call in a professional plumber to inspect your plumbing.

  1. Always Make Necessary Repairs

Credit: Pixabay

Do repairs as soon as you see a problem. Make sure to seal any cracks in good time and repair any noticeable leaks. Conduct roof inspections for any damaged or loose shingles. Check for any dark spots inside your cabinets as these are signs of leakage and the formation of molds. Protect your pipes from rusting as this can cause water damage and cause leakage. If you are not sure about where to check for damage, a water damage restoration company can do this for you.

  1. Assess the State of Your Drainage System

Credit: Pixabay

Proper drainage is a key part of preventing water damage in your home. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your drainage system is free from blockage. Blocked drainage systems cause water retention in different sections of the plumbing system which can cause serious water damage if it goes unnoticed over a long period. Check your drainage for blockage regularly.

  1. Unclog and Prevent Blockages

Credit: Pixabay

One of the best ways to protect your drainage system is by avoiding buildup of grease. Make a point of wiping the grease off your utensils completely before you wash them. When you allow grease down the drain, it solidifies and causes a buildup, which in turn causes a blockage. In case you experience blocked drains, the best way to clear the drain is by use of drain snakes. Using chemical-based cleaners can cause lasting damage to your piping system.

  1. Check the Sump Pump

Credit: Pixabay

If you have a sump pump, then you should have the check valve inspected regularly to determine whether it is working as it should and water is not flowing back into your basement after being pumped out of the sump pit. You can do the inspection yourself by dumping a bucket of water into the sump pit. This should trigger the check valve to start pumping out water if it’s working properly. If there is a problem, do not try to repair the sump pump on your own. Call in a plumber and they’ll be able to nip the problem in the bud.